Nytt land och nya erfarenheter

Shadi Ayoub, ekonom från Syrien, delar med sig av sina erfarenheter, upplevelser och tankar från EFLs integrationsprojekt, som han deltog i under våren, och vad som har hänt sedan våra vägar korsades. 


Henrik Lundgren, VD på EFL, och Shadi Ayoub med sitt diplom efter 16 veckor med företagspraktik i kombination med utbildning i svensk ekonomi

What new skills and experience has the course given you? What were your best takeaways?
The areas that I found very useful for me were in understanding the taxation system, monetary policy, the differences between the economic system in Sweden and my country (Syria), the laws and regulations where one should be aware of. Also, this course was the first opportunity where I had direct contact with the Swedish society in a professional context. That helped me understand how the Swedish organizations function, and how people are interacting in such environment.

Tell us about your background
I have a bachelor’s degree in economics and business administration, and 8 years working experience in marketing, procurement, shipping, logistics and sales.

How did you come in contact with EFL?
This course was my first activity in my integration plan with Arbetsförmedlingen.

Now it’s been a while since the program ended – what have you done since then?
In parallel with the course I was doing internship at SWEP international as a practical part of the course, and when the internship was over, I ’ve been offered a temporary position in the department of product management and this is my second month in this job.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Peter Kjällkvist på 0708-47 12 72 eller peter.kjallkvist@efl.se