Join an active business network characterized by knowledge sharing, skills development, innovation and inspiration.
The EFL network gives you access to a broad network of contacts, a wide range of programs at a reduced member rate, teaser seminars and topical roundtables, advice and knowledge, networking groups, lunch and learns, our digital platform, the latest cutting-edge research, and more. Network membership is specific to your company, not an individual, meaning the entire company and all its employees can enjoy its benefits. There are currently more than 80 companies and organizations from a variety of industries throughout the region that are EFL network members. Companies and organizations of all sizes are welcome. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your business with EFL.
The network
As an education provider, EFL has a unique platform based on its collaboration with more than 80 member organizations, which provide input and dialogue on strategic needs and challenges. With this data, we can help you meet and connect with companies that have similar challenges and would benefit from knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Here are some of our members:
Hot Spots – seminars and topical roundtables
We regularly organize well-attended seminars and topical roundtables. Selection of previous topics: Marketing for increased sales, Management using key performance indicators, Getting customers to choose your company, The challenges of digitalization, and Leadership in organizations.
Discount on EFL programs
Members have 10 % discount on the program fee of all EFL program and courses.
Guest lecturers
Would you like to be a guest lecturer or present a case at one of our programs? This is popular and an excellent way to exemplify our role as the academy in the center of the business world. For example, challenge the skilled and talented participants of our Marketing Management, Management Control or Executive MBA programs to address one of your strategic issues.
Members Day
In the spring, you’ll be invited to an inspiring Members Day event centered on a hot topic moderated by one of our expert faculty. Members Day aims to give you input on a specific topic and send you home with tools you can start using immediately.
Personal EFL advisor
You will be assigned an EFL advisor with whom you can maintain ongoing contact and to whom you can always turn if you have questions. We can assist in identifying experts in a given field, relevant reading material, interesting programs, and other member companies dealing with similar business challenges. We are also happy to share our experience to help you achieve maximum impact by tailoring your educational experience to your company’s specific needs.
Contact us
Contact us for more information at or +46 46 222 68 50.